V 2.6: Clinical Realism, Stability, & Enhancements

Available for download on the Downloads page.

This update includes a number of improvements to clinical realism and program stability:


  • Keyboard shortcuts added for all windows
  • Hints visible in dropdown menu items (e.g. Ctrl+N for new simulation, Ctrl+S to save simulation)
  • Added “Toggle Fullscreen” option; toggles between Fullscreen and Normal window states.
  • Implemented in all devices (e.g. cardiac monitor, defibrillator, etc.)
    • Allows fast changing of color schemes, numerics & tracings shown, etc.

Clinical Realism

  • Improved the drawing algorithm for atrial fibrillation for realistic tracings (#189)
  • Included Tracing amplitude variations based on diastolic filling time
  • Implemented into SpO2 & ABP for decreased output with tachycardic runs (e.g. in atrial fibrillation)
  • Implemented into CVP as fluid backup with tachycardic runs
  • Early beats (SpO2, ABP, etc.) no longer “drop” reading to 0%/0mmHg before imposing next (early) beat (#190)
  • Now early beats now enter the Tracing as an additive replacement, not a complete superimposition
  • PA catheter placement in the right atrium now pulls pressure from CVP setting
  • PA pressure values get disabled (greyed out) when the catheter is at the CVP (RA) site
  • Multiple improvements to the Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) including:
  • Reshaped how the buttons resize automatically (fixes text clipping/overrunning)
  • IABP balloon waveform timing adjusted for adaptability to irregular rhythms (#191)
    • Enhanced and adjusted the physiology model timer that the tracing was triggered by
    • Implemented trigger dynamic delays for enhanced timing accuracy using modeling (#195)
    • Implemented manual inflation timing adjustment via IABP console user interface
    • Proper deflation at the T wave and/or arterial inflection, inflation at dicrotic notch
  • Fixed ABP tracings not being drawn when IABP is running
    • Partly caused by Tracing autoscaling not being triggered properly in edge cases- fixed.
    • Tracing also triggered for ABP rhythm only provided by IABP (e.g. during VF) (#192)


  • Fixed program crashing on window resizing (#127)!
  • This was a longstanding problem that was difficult to identify, track down, and fix!
  • Affected the Cardiac Monitor, Defibrillator, and IABP- all fixed!
  • Implementation debugging (#204, #205, #206)
  • AvaloniaUI (foundational dependency) upgraded to 10.21 (from 10.18)