Infirmary Integrated v2.2.2, 3. Advanced Hemodynamics on Cardiac Monitor
Infirmary Integrated v2.2.2, 4. Intra Aortic Balloon Pump
Infirmary Integrated v2.2.2, 5. PA Pressures, ICP
Infirmary Integrated v2.2.2, 6. Cardiac Morphology on 12 Lead ECG
Screenshots and Images
22+ cardiac rhythms can already be selected, and more can be modeled with additional options (e.g. STEMI, T-wave inversions, coarse vs. fine ventricular fibrillation).
12 ECG leads and many devices can be drawn as tracings in Infirmary Integrated.
Electrical and mechanical capture is differentiated, for realistic blood pressure and oximetry waveforms generated from ectopic beats. Respiratory rhythms are modeled, in addition to cardiac rhythms.
Many patient parameters are modifiable- vital signs, cardiac profile, respiratory parameters, etc. And the cardiac monitor can be resized between 1 and 5 rows tall, with different tracings able to be chosen by right-clicking on the tracings.